Title: Personalized FPD v3.3
Author: Loco Matheus
Author Email: matheussilva_1995@hotmail.com
Date: 24.07.2011
Downloads: 2581
Filsize: 6.337 KB
Description: This is the Personalized FPD V3.1, in the .rar you'll the .cs file, put "F.P.D." in cleo folder, you can customize the camera easily, but it is limited, the controls:
- The camera turns and returns a little bit faster
- Doesn't use Numpad (So notebook owners can use it normally)
- Reverse camera
- New camera rotate system (Much better)
- New camera limitations (Go further ahead, so you can put it in front of the glass, can't go much further to the left)
-Can't rotate in flying vehicles (Fixing the bug)
The controls:
Shift - Turn it ON / OFF
I - Move the camera forward
K - Move the camera back
U - Move the camera up
O - Move the camera down
J - Move the camera to the left
L - Move the camera to the right
Q - Look Left
E - Look Right
Q & E Together or Middle Mouse Button - Reverse Camera
M - Return to standard camera
Sorry for keeping you waiting so long for the new version, I had to buy a new GTA CD.